Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Dawn New Day and I'm feeling Good!!

New Dawn New Day and I'm feeling Good!!

The Diva Nina Simone said it best: New Dawn New Day and I'm feeling Good!!! I have embarked on a branded new Chapter. I am no longer bound and chained to teach at HCZ PA1. I am able to spread my wings. I always felt like that place was stifling me as an artist. Don't get me wrong I was making the best out of what God gave me and I'm so grateful! I was able to bring out the creativeness of young artist to be. And work on my skills as an educator and a director. I found out my strengths and my weaknesses. But now it is time to get BACK to business! I need to step up my game! Next level. I had been holding back! Now it is time to pull all stops. And Follow where he leads me.

1. Go back to writing, improve as an artist!
2. Put together National tour
3. Website
4. Network, PR, and market
5. Assemble my Team!
6. Conquerer the world!

This year is going to be my 4th year here in NYC and number 5 is going to be a landmark period. I am ferocious and hungry. And Greatness.....I'm coming !

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