Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Let It Make you and not break you (Part I)

Let It Make you and not break you (Part I)

As I talk to my colleagues in the “Business”, I find that we all face the same thing, rejection. The difference is our reactions. How we handle it. After you go through dozens of auditions, several gosees, many casting calls, do we let it get us upset and affect our entire day by dwelling on the could of, should of, and why did I do that. Or do we just have the “Oh well moving right along it’s their lost. This “business” is not for the faint at heart and courageless. Cause the city I live and love can be a “Rotten Apple” as Shanessa calls it and eat you alive. Also “The Maneater” or the Dream Stealer, Hope Killer, Faith Destroyer.

The key to survival is to maintain your composure and “Keep the Faith Baby (A.C. Powell). Just like with any situation you have to let it make you better and not break you. Survival of the fittest. This race is not giving to the swift or strong BUT the one who can endure!!! Merriam-Webster defines endure as “to undergo (as a hardship) especially without giving in or to
suffer.” But I like the definition “to continue in the same state or last . Also to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding. As Christians we must REMAIN FIRM UNDER SUFFERING WITHOUT WAVIERING. What the old folks say “Keep on Keeping on!”

Living life right is not being perfect (there is no perfect person just strive for it daily) but it is learning to handle what life throws at you. Just don’t let the stumbling blocks deter your entire path. When you drive and get off the wrong exit do you give up and go home. NO! You turn around and go back and go to the right exit or You ask for directions. In life if we don’t know where to go we need to “Ask for Directions.” God is there to direct your path. Let him be your GPS-- God (MY) Personal Savior--so you won’t take the wrong exit. Now some people still get lost with the GPS and that just mean you must continue to listen even if we “Think” we know where we are going.

We have to not walk in the flesh, but after the Spirit (Rom. 8-1). We have to keep hope. For we are saved by hope. WE have to hope for what is not seen, then do we with patience wait for it (25-26). The Spirit will make an intercession for you so you know what path to take. We should be like an umpire and be ready to catch whatever the pitcher throws. Whether it’s good, bad, fast or slow. We got to be ready.

We hear the saying “Whatever don’t kill you makes you stronger.” So True! We learn from our past hurts so we can be better or encourage others. We go through events for a reason. God places events to strength us. Every day is a new learning experience. Every audition, every test, every trial is there to make me a better performer. I have learned how to have courage, how to encourage myself, and appreciate what God has given me and will give me. So we have to learn, let God and keep it moving.

The Key is perseverance! Only way I have made it this far is keeping my head up and eyes lifting to the hills which comes my help. I can’t let no one nobody get in the way of what I feel. I love Alicia Keys Song No one. I think it really it should be a gospel song.

“You and me together through the days all I know is everything going to be alright.
People keep talking they can say what they like but all I know is everything going to be alright. No One No one No One can get in the way Of what I’m feeling.”
No matter what life throws my way I can’t not let nothing and no one to throw me off my path.
Got to keep it move!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Praise Break!!!!

Praise Break!!!!
A Right Now Praise

As I travel on the highways and byways of life. Sometimes I feel like I'm alone. But he knows the plans he has for me. And let me know I'm never alone. He says I am right here with you. I will never let you fall. He holds my hand. So what can I do? Give him praise in the storm. Give him glory in the mist of all the pain. Even though I can't see my way he is right there with the umbrella to shield me from the rain. He is making a way when I can't see what's right in front of my face.
He knows. Don't try to figure it out. Let go and Let God has his way!

My way is your way!! Your way is my way!! So when I get down in the dumps I lift my eyes and say thank you for what you have done, what you are doing and what you will do!!! God is great and greatly to be praise! Won't you praise him with me!!!

What you know WON’T hurt you!!

I haven’t written anything for a long time. I was compelled for two reasons. One, a young lady recently told me that my words inspired her. I was so happy that I can be a light. I asked God daily to let me be a light that I shine and he is shown within me. Second, upholding my covenant that I made with the Lord. “Let your light so shine before men so they may see your good works.” I want to glorify God through my Song!

Trying to live right is a very difficult thing when you try to do it all alone. ‘So Warning attempting this alone is dangerous. You may experience a lot of Self Infliction and unnecessary heartache.’ Temptation is all around. As I fight temptation, I wonder if there is anyone else in the same boat. The Older you get the hardee it is. time is ticking. You want to to be married and have kids before you are Forty. And you want to give up. Yet you hold on to the Promise and wait on the Lord! with a Job spirit!

I am trying to save sex for marriage and that is very difficult to do. I think too many people value sex too much. I have conversations with people who say Sex is an important part of being intimate in a relationship (non-married). Some have sex when they first met. Others after they get in a serious relationship or 3, 4 or 5 date etc…. I’ve heard you need to “test the waters” to see how it will be when or if you get married. But I say what you don’t know won’t hurt you. Just like in 1st Genesis, when Eve gave Adam the forbidden fruit to eat and they begin to see things that was null and void to them before. All the things God PROTECTED them from they found out. They didn’t even know they were naked. Everything was open but that one tree and when they tapped in to the Forbidden they where OPEN.
Forbidden fruit=Sex=Open to Self Inflicted Nonsense=NO Protection
When you have sexual intercourse, you are open for disease, pregnancy, added responsibility that could have been avoided. Adam and Eve could have avoided the pain and sorrow only if they just said NO to the Forbidden Fruit! Some things you just don’t need to know. Just as a person addicted to cigarettes. If you don’t smoke, you WON’T GET ADDICTED! You will not know how it feels to NEED a Smoke. Then you won't need help to quit. Sex is Addicting. If you give yourself away than what will you have left for your mate? I don’t know about you but I don’t want leftovers. So I have to share with all the other females before me.

I know some of my sisters are going through this, but I wonder if any guys are going through the same thing. Seems to me that I come in contact with guys who are use to having sex. Some say they have to have it and it’s not natural to not to. Others say that they respect “My wishes” but in actuality they can’t help but want me (my body) so badly. It is harm in wanting because you may act on your wants. They say they “need” to have sex and that’s what they are use to. People get confused of what they really need. I want a man but I don’t need one right now. When I say I don’t need to they look at me like I was an alien that landed on earth last night. I think just the opposite.
It AIN’T NATUAL to have Relations. It wasn’t meant for Pre-marriage to see if they person is good in bed. Like that is a determined factor before marriage. “She can’t cook, she can dress, she is lazy and doesn’t work BUT she is good in bed! Got to marry her!” You know how that marriage going to end up! OVER before it starts! That’s the sad part. We give our pearls or jewels away to a cute face, thin waist, sex body, big bank account. It ain’t precious any more.

The important thing we have erased…Marriage as a sacred event. It is not to be taken lightly. This is why so many people get divorced. They jump too soon in the bed instead of the head. So no more selling ourselves short. The pearls and the Jewels stay in the box until that Special Occasion. Don’t let just anyone in your personal space. Put up your reserved sign and wait till it’s your time. This place is closed for renovation. Invitation Only!!! Who do you get the RSVP from…whom else God Almighty!!! Your Harvest is on the way. Sow now and get prepared for your mate. As you build and revamp, then renovation after you deconstruct your dwelling keep in mind that problems will rise but it all how you take it. Let it Make you and not break you!!!

More to come….

Brace yourself for an impact”

Let It Make you and not break you

What are you waiting

For Move…Get out the Way Invitation Only!

Move it or lose it! Closed for Renovation!

What is a DIVA?