Monday, June 22, 2009

FAITH 1/11/07



Proverbs 3 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not an your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge (know) him, and the will make your path straight. (5-6) As I was reading over my notes that I call Part I: My walk with God, I realized that God has been strengthen me since I started moving to another spiritual level. It is awesome that God has revealed to me how easy life could be if I just stop stressing and count my blessings. I need to Expect greatness.
Faith= believes
Expectation = preparation (getting myself ready)
Believe in what I just prayed is going to happen (Felton) I got worship God until where I am doesn't matter. That means I must stop being (upset) that I'm still in Dothan. God has laid a foundation and I must us his tools to build my building (my life). Right now hw has given me.
1. A hammer - help put things together
2. Nails - hold things together
3. wood- cover

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