Sunday, December 7, 2008

Get Wisdom At All Cost


As I Read Proverbs, I’m reminded of how direr it is that we get/have wisdom. We must have wisdom so we know how to live right in God’s sight. First we must start with “the Fear of the Lord.”
What is the Fear of the Lord?
*Doing his will,
*Following His Word
*Obeying his commandments.

Basically it is having a Close Relationship the Lord.
How do we do this?

One: Read the Word Daily. What you read in the Word might not be necessarily used right away. It is used for guidance that will help us with situations to come. I am excited to what the Lord is going to teach me today! I must maintain this desire so I can grow in the Lord. And it will help me to “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Because “He is doing a new thing in my life…I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43: 18-19). Proverbs 1:8-19 reminds me to “beware of sinners Enticement.” They will (have) say pretty words but I must avoid them at all cost. As I read, God is opening my eyes to see what others enjoy and think of as bliss, turns me off. “He said like what I like and hate what I hate.

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