Sunday, April 26, 2009

encouragement to the weary and wounded

(March 2, 2009)

We never know what others are going thur. That is why it is very important to encourage one another.I know times maybe hard but God said he'll never leave us nor forsake us. Be strong in the Lord always. Now is time that you put on the full armor of the Lord. And remember that the battle is Not ours but the most high.No matter what we can't give up or give in. It is time for battle.God didn't give us a spirit of fear, worry, defeat, discouragement, heartache.I know because there was a point in my life when I was Young I had a spirit of depression. It was the Lord working thur others who encouraged me to keep my eyes to the hills and keep my head lifted up. God is not man who lies. So trust not man but the man who still the waters and calm the sea. If he calm the sea he can calm your situation. He can bring peace to your MIND. Ask the Lord for peace. Whatever you ask in Jesus name he will grant. Remember that someone else maybe worst off than you. Hold to Gods hand.Trust in his word. I love you and God loves you. If you need a ear I am here. Call on me any time.Keep the Faith my brothers and sisters.

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