Sunday, April 26, 2009


written: Sunday, January 18, 2009

Looking back over 2008 I see how God has brought me thur. I begin the year fearing & trusted the Lord. I ended with a stronger faith & a hunger for him. 2008 had truly been something. It flew by so fast. It was my year for growth. Some times I had to work 4 jobs at once while I had rehearsal just to make enough to eat and pay A FEW bills. I Stay with many people. At times I didnt know where I would stay or how I would eat the next week. Didnt make enough to pay for rent. Sometimes it was frustrating that I was jobless, worrisome that I had to ask my parents to pay my cell phone bill, a challenge to hustle. I just left in the Lord's hand. Then God provided! He put people in my life that helped me to survive. He kept me so I wont let go. He kept my mind, spirit, health. Numerous of times I had to swallow my pride. I just didnt give up. I tell you this babies if you going to make it anywhere u got to have a Victor mindset. Only the strong shall survive. To be strong you need the Lord.

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