Sunday, April 26, 2009

life is not always on a level pain

life is not always on a level pain (Written April 16, 2009)
Time is filled with swift transitions. There are many ups and downs. Everything is not going to be mountains. You have to go through valleys. You going to face highs and lows. You can't let your lows get you down.We face difficulties in life that are hard to face by ourselves but with God nothings impossible to tackle. Don't let troubles overwhelm you to the point you give up. Give up your will and let to the Lord. Keep your eyes on the prize. You are destiny for greatness. Keep in mind that things happen for reason and a seasonChallenge of life is to make appropriate adjustment. "Success in life is how you manage your Episodes" (F. Flake). I ask for discernment. Lord help me to know which way to go. God wants to prepare me for the blesses. Count your blessings one by one and you'll be surprise what God has done (F. Flake).Full of self there is no room for God. "we need to recognize our imperfections and ask the Lord to cleanse us" (E. Flake). I welcome the Lord and I welcome transformation.(coming soon biblical definition to common and note so common words note).

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