Sunday, April 26, 2009

Love Loves Nobody

Love Loves Nobody (April 15, 2009)

Love loves nobody that's what people say.

Love is confusing, love is cruel. Love is heartbreaking.

Love is challenging. Love is a headache. Love is nothing but trouble.

Love is painful.But all this is wrong.

God is love and he is never confusing, heartbreaking, painful or hard.

He is so easy to love. He never treats you wrong nor will he leave you or forsake you.

He is ear to listen. A shoulder to lean on and a hand to help.

He is Jehovah jireh, my provider. He is more than enough.

Jesus love takes away all pain and suffering.

So let's not say love loves nobody just say love loves when no one else is there to care.

When you feel alone remember love is here.

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