Sunday, April 26, 2009

Trampled again and again and again and again........

I open my heart only to slam it quickly. I am tired. No I am sick of getting trampled on. No need to make that mistake again for the 100th time. Trust is something that must be earned, learned and discerned. This is where I fell short. My arms are always opened wide. And I have my shades on blinded. But I'm not unwise to the demise of the inconsiderated, selfish, unthoughtful, money hungry, insensitive human beings. Now my eyes are wider.Maybe too wide. So now I feel aLone with no one to talk to, relate to, conversate, understand the pain I feel. I'm left here to wonder....When is it my turn? My time to shine and be divine. My time for the favor he promised me. I knock, I seek, I praise and I worship. So when it is my time! a still voice... "This is what I want, you to be uncomfortable, so I can get your full attention. Trust me and not men nor your own understanding. Guard your heart, mind, body, soul and you will never feel alone. For I am with you always."So to all my brothers and sisters who feel this way from time to time. You are NOT alone...Keep remembering that "There's a friend in Jesus. All our sins and grieves to bear. What a priveledge to carry. Everything to God in Pray. Oh what peace we often forefit oh what needness pains we bear. All because we do not carry everything to God in pray!!"

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